We are pleased to confirm that our Scheme Insurers have agreed to provide cover for Colour Additives/ Bonding Treatments either as a stand-alone treatment or when mixed with colour.

If mixing the additive with colour, cover is provided on the following basis: -

  • Follow your colour house's instructions when preparing the colour
  • Follow the colour additive's instructions when mixing with the colour

Please note that is a condition of the policy that the colour additive products used (for stand-alone and when mixed with colour) must be Approved by the Cosmetic Products Regulation (EC) No 1223/2009 & Obtained from EU suppliers only.

If their is a need to undertake a skin test, this must be done prior to mixing/ providing treatment to client.

Subject otherwise to the terms exclusions and conditions of the Policy.

Click here for official Press Release

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Tel: 01727 222 690

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01727 222 690